tips + talk.


write ups





World traveller.
Professional daydreamer.
And lover of all things carbs and extra gluten.

Stick to this part of the site to hear me ramble words about life.





here you'll

This blog is sponsored by Olay Canada I was about a few months ago years old before I started realizing that I was aging. Before you jump at me, let me start by saying that I didn’t see it in a bad way. I just started noticing differences in my body, ones that weren’t really […]

If you’ve followed my shenanigans for a while – you know that I’m no stranger to taking on a new city solo. I don’t mind being alone – it’s grounding for me to be away from other people and just be with myself. In fact, it’s my way of recharging. It’s one of the reasons […]

Remember watching cartoons when you were a kid and seeing four presidents’ faces carved into a mountain.  Yes, that’s Mount Rushmore – and it exists in real life.  I drove by to give a quick hello to the fellas and it’s definitely cool to check out in real life. BUT, I’ve got three things that you’ve got to add to your list of “must do’s” when you’re in the Mount Rushmore state.

Because you’re going, ok?
