I thought one could only “win” at meditation if you sat there like a Buddhist monk, completely at peace with zero thoughts going through your head. That was unattainable for me, so I quit – because I’m really going at not doing things that I’m not good at.
You feel me?
So heres the thing, I’ve wanted dermal fillers for years – but the negative stigma around speaking about them openly made me a bit..ok, a lot…hesitant. I’ve never wanted to alter how I looked, I just wanted to look a lot less tired and little more fresh. I sat down with Dr. Jalali to discuss my concerns and worked with him to come up with both a game plan and a list of things to expect.
Having access to our hearts is both a blessing and curse. “You only hurt so much because you love so much”. I thought I was the luckiest girl to have fallen in love with my best friend.
Rewinding back to last December, all I can remember saying was “2016 is going to be my year”. I found my tribe, I was about to take on the challenge of finding a new career path, I was building two brands, I was learning a whole bunch about myself through ups and downs. I was […]